Design and Wax Carving

Design and Wax Carving

The previous video, “the gemstone,” concentrated on cutting the large amethyst specimen into two unique gemstone cuts, now for the next step. The second episode of the “Behind the Bench” series, will be going over design and wax carving. Susan meets with master jeweler Tony Thompson to help draw up some design ideas for ring-types to set the gemstone.

Tony uses a unique toolset for how precise this lengthy process is. After creating the design, Tony must now use a large wax piece to correctly size the ring and create two perfect homes for both gemstones to fit.  Tony uses his expert hands and eyes to make his ideal wax carving ring. Tony goes over all the different processes, including bezel-setting, specific carving, and much more. You will come to understand how this precise craftsmanship takes many upon many hours and almost perfection from a true expert to bring the most exquisite jewelry. 

Watch the next episode, “Casting - Behind the Bench,” to learn the next steps after wax carving.